In contrast to the policy recommendations of most economists, relying on monetary incentives to tackle collective choice problems like global warming can actually have perverse effects. 与大部分经济学家的政策建议相比,通过对货币激励政策的依赖而抓住共同选择的问题,例如全球变暖,这样做会造成不良影响。
Similarly, individuals that spend monetary incentives on each other, as opposed to themselves, increase not only job satisfaction, but improve the team performance and sales. 同样地,把奖金花在彼此身上,而不是花在他们自己身上的人们,提升的不只是工作满意度,而且还改善团队绩效跟销售成绩。
Monetary incentives, beyond the requirement to offer a fair salary, are of limited use in keeping staff keen. 在提供了公平的工资之后,金钱激励机制对于保持员工的积极性作用有限。
Conflicts of interest and ill-conceived monetary incentives oil bad behaviour. 利益冲突和糟糕的货币激励助长不良行为。
Even more intriguingly, they find evidence that monetary incentives can actually reduce charitable giving when people are driven in part by a desire to look good in others'eyes. 甚至更为有趣的是,他们找到证据证明,当人们被想在别人眼里看起来体面的欲望部分地趋使时,货币的刺激实际上反而会减少他们的慈善投入。
But if monetary incentives do not work, what does? Identity economics – a new way of thinking about motivation – gives an answer. 但如果金钱奖励行不通,那该如何呢?认同经济学研究动机的一种新思路给出了答案。
We expect our political leaders to manage the level of economic activity by employing fiscal and monetary tools such as interest rates, tax incentives and stimulus packages to avoid recessions. 我们期望,我们的政治领导人会利用利率、税收优惠以及经济刺激计划等财政和货币工具来管理经济活动水平,从而避免经济衰退。
In default of monetary incentives and promotion incentives, it's very important to intensify the construction of organizational culture. 在货币报酬激励和职务晋升报酬激励缺失的条件下,加强组织文化建设意义重大。
Company size, financial leverage, managers monetary remuneration, business growth and Ownership Concentration will affect the effectiveness of the implementation of stock ownership incentives. 公司规模、财务杠杆、经营者货币薪酬、企业成长性和股权集中度都会影响上市公司股权激励实施的有效性。
Constant breakouts of financial and monetary crisis let scholars realize that distorted incentives that exacerbate fragility of financial sectors tend to be more severe under a global context. 不断发生的金融和货币危机让学者们意识到扭曲动机导致金融部门脆弱性的现象在国际背景下更加严重。
For the incentive mechanism of SOE executives in China, monetary reward is a means of the short-term incentives. 对我国国有企业高管人员激励机制而言,货币薪酬是短期性激励的一种手段。
Shareholders want managers to improve enterprise value to achieve their own interests. Managers must be given certain incentives. Encouraging include many forms such as equity incentives, monetary incentives, bonuses and other incentives. 股东想要经营管理者提高企业价值来实现自身利益,就必须给予经营管理者一定的激励措施,激励有多种形式,如股权激励、货币激励、奖金激励等,现在很多企业认可的是股权激励。
The monetary rewards as the main form of material incentives has become the study contents of many financial economists. 而货币薪酬作为激励机制中物质激励的主要方式成为了众多财务经济学家们研究的内容。
The short-term monetary incentive acts as one of the explicit and dominant incentives. Second, the incentive effects of long-term equity ( stock ownership) for executives. 短期货币报酬激励是显性激励机制之一。第二,高管人员长期股权报酬激励效应。
At the same time, modern corporate design a monetary reward incentive, equity incentive and control over the incentive management incentives, which try to alleviate the agency problem between owners and managers. 同时,现代企业设计了货币报酬激励、股权激励和控制权激励等管理层激励方式,试图缓解所有者和管理者之间的代理问题。